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Friday, December 6, 2013

Aquarius. Insights into the Water Bearer

Aquarius, The Water Bearer

January 21 - February 19

You are honest, inventive, and independent. But those traits also come with a bit of contrariness, unpredictability and a somewhat detached personality.                     

Good with the bad, it’s always a trait off.

An Aquarian in traffic may capriciously change lanes without signaling. However, you don’t get emotionally involved or upset when the driver you just cut off, waves at you with one finger.

Aquarius is the god of Water. Don’t think you’re going to get far up that vacation road in the family car if you just washed down your blood pressure medicine with a big old tumbler of Sweeeeeeeet Tay.

Ye, of deep winter birth, are outgoing and friendly, but after the panhandler has thanked you for the dollar and said, “God Bless you,” that pretty much wraps up the conversation. No further intercourse is necessary.

Aquarians make good planners and musicians, but they especially like planning to become musicians.

Turquoise is your primary color. Several times in your life, you have become overly fascinated and obsessed with the syllable “quoise.”

In your early 40’s, neighbors observed you wandering through your empty house repeating the word, “Quoise, Quoise, Quoise”, laughing at how it sounded and made your mouth feel. That phase has passed and many of your friends have cautiously returned into your life.

Your birthstone is Garnet or Amethyst. What a cheap date that makes you. “Look, Honey. I got you this here Amethyst ring with my first week’s pay at the mill.”

Be careful during the first week of February when many Aquarians will listen to unscrupulous medical advice. A doctor may try to grab a senior’s annual Medicare deductible early in the year.

Schedule a screening colonoscopy since your ruling planet is Uranus. Don’t get ill in a crowded theater and yell, “Is there a Health Care Provider in the house?”

Paul Newman and Ellen DeGeneres were both born under this sign. They may not appear similar or share a commonality until you realize that Paul Newman preferred women and, of course, Ellen DeGeneres … 

Aquarian Oprah Winfrey is compatible with a Libra. In fact, the tabloids have romantically linked metaphysical spiritualist Libra Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey. If you’ve ever had your tabloids romantically linked, then you know how good that can feel. 

Oprah cancelled her wedding plans when she realized that no one would ever watch ... The Oprah Chopra Show.

 You are a Star, Even if it’s a Fallen-and-Can’t-Get-Up Star.

Bob Simpson

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