Be careful. I think some
Stoners live down there. |
Bob's Blardy Blog = A humorous, rarely serious, take on current news topics or whatever I want to write about. Bob Simpson writes a nationally award winning newspaper humor column called Hogspore News. Archived columns at Contact: Bob Simpson. Largo, Florida. 727-596-3458
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Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Homeowner Tips
The warning you will never receive is that there is unbridled competition lying just below the lush
Friday, November 8, 2013
Why the Woman Will Not Date You
I'm not interested, but maybe you should call my brother. |
If men really
knew what women were thinking, we would all retreat to our caves to spend more
time playing with model trains and hand cream.
Here are real reasons why the woman will not date you.
1. She vows
never to call you back and then slams the convent door on you.
2. She points to her wedding ring and then taps her 8 ½ months pregnant belly.
3. She is a Playboy Bunny and you are not a rich 95 year-old man.
4. Your sister says, “Leave me alone or I’m telling Mom.”
5. Your mother says, “Leave me alone or I’m telling your father.”
6. The inflatable doll has an air leak and won’t sleep with you because she’s exhausted.
7. You have one tooth and she has two.
8. She says, “Please leave now. The visiting hours are over at the hospice.”
9. She runs your Valentine card through the paper shredder while you are still standing there.
10. Her T-shirt reads “Ladies Professional Golf Association.
11. She says, “Maybe you should give my brother a call.”
12. She says, “I have a strict policy of dating within my own species.”
13. She says, “I’ll order a drink for you. What wine goes with Pepper Spray?”
14. She asks to borrow your cell phone to call an ambulance … that you will soon need.
15. “Are you sure that you want to date me? Won’t your sister get jealous?”
16. “Is that a toothpick in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”
17. She asks, “Would you like to go back to my place to play Ugly Aztec Man Chained to an Altar?”
18. “No, I won’t go to supper with you because I just purged. But would you like a big sloppy good night kiss?”
19. She reprogrammed your GPS to go to hell.
20. “No, you can not buy me a drink … and put down that gun.”
21. She asks, “Were there any other survivors from the horrible disfiguring accident that you had?”
22. You have a gold compass hanging from around your neck, but she still tells you to get lost.
23. Her personal telephone number that she just gave you starts with area code 666.
24. She asks, “Can you go someplace else to smell bad?”
25. The Polynesian girl tells you that she is saving herself for the volcano.
Bob Simpson
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Skydiving Warning Tips
Hey. Was that Tom Petty that just went by? |
Do you have strong ankles?
Do regular passenger airlines landings leave you bored? Have you
had the urge to jump out of a plane with a jump instructor … for fun?
Maybe it’s
time to strap one on. No, not a jump instructor, I mean strap on a parachute.
Warning: You are not considered a thrill-seeker if the aircraft is still
sitting in the hangar when you leap out.
talking about hopping out of an airborne aircraft at 10,000 feet with a fully
functioning parachute above a relatively un-soft Kmart parking lot. There is
less danger of landing on a parked car there. You can tell when Kmart is open
and fully staffed because there are 15 bicycles on the sidewalk and 2 cars in
the parking lot.
Man has
always wanted to soar and dive like the eagle while many an eagle has wished it
could drive a 4 wheeled stick-shift Jeep through the Baja Peninsula .
Conversely, women and a few men have always wanted to serve beverages and
snacks at 35,000 feet.
So, update your life insurance policy, check your rigging, and cancel the extended warranty you bought on that ten dollar calculator.
If you’re still up in the
air on this skydiving thing, then first read these skydiving warning tips. Soon
you will be careening toward a new adventure in no time flat:
1. The
Jump Master’s name is Splaat.
2. The
other jumpers are all wearing patient bracelets from the Hospice.
3. Vultures are surrounding the bull’s-eye target on the ground.
4. The Jump Club has gone green with new, yet untested, biodegradable parachutes.
5. The pilot gives you the famous war movie speech, “Some of you won’t be coming back.”
6. If Geronimo had ever jumped out of an aircraft, he would not have screamed his own name, especially when he realized that he was wearing a papoose instead of a parachute.
7. “Free Skydiving lesson. No strings attached.”
8. The stand-by ambulance at the landing zone looks a lot like a Hearse.
9. The plane taxies past Rod Serling talking to a camera.
10. In the Divorce Proceeding Skydive Special, the wife always gets the one parachute.
11. The jump master is still on parole for pushing a knapsack-wearing boy scout by mistake.
12. The jump instructor says, “P P P P P Pu Pu Pu Pull the ri ri ri ri rip co co co co cord. Ne Ne Ne Ne Never mi mi mi mi mi mind.”
13. The same company makes Parachutes and Shrouds. Coincidence?
14. The grounds crew is going to charge you extra if you jump with a full bowel.
15. Planning a live birth skydive? Don’t forget the Fisher Price parachute for the newborn.
16. If your chute doesn’t open, the suit of bubble wrap is not going to help you.
17. “There’s something I wanted to tell you guys before you jumped but I forgot. Oh well, it probably wasn’t very important. You go ahead and jump. Maybe I’ll remember it later.”
18. If you Drink and Dive, you must demonstrate that you can fall in a straight line.
19. You are too low to jump if the ants you see on the ground really are ants.
20. There is no refund owed to the absent-minded skydiver's next of kin.
Bob Simpson
Monday, November 4, 2013
Jobs: Improper Interview Answers
My resume' includes carrying big green leaves and milking Aphids. |
You have to have a job ... to get another one. It’s always been easier to obtain employment if you were already employed.
If you are now unemployed, you are likely to stay that way.
Here is a
question for all employers: Who will be best employee, an unemployed man with a
family and children who is 4 months away from foreclosure or a new employee who
just skipped out on his last employer for a few more bucks a month to “work”
for you?
Enough of
the doom and gloom, your objective is not to find a job. Your entire effort is
to obtain the interview. There are dozens of online advice columns to help you prepare for an interview.
But if you DO NOT want to do well in your interview because you have a few more months of unemployment compensation remaining, then feel free to use any of the following interview answers:
1. Q. Tell me about yourself.
A. Well, I don't drink nearly as much as I used to.
2. Q. Where
do you see yourself in 5 years?
A. Kissing your wife goodbye, just
before you get home from golf.
3. Q. What’s your biggest weakness? A. I can’t shoot real straight when I get angry.
4. Q. Describe a specific example when you saved money for your company. A. An old lady fell in our store and I told the judge that I didn’t see it.
5. Q. Have you ever stolen from an employer? A. So far, no boss has ever caught me.
6. Q. Why are you looking for a job? A. It’s part of the requirements to keep getting unemployment checks.
7. Q. What are you looking for? A. A job with disability insurance for my bad back.
8. Q. Why should I hire you for this position? A. Why should I answer that if you don’t even know either?
9. Q. How do you feel about working long hours and on weekends? A. It’s okay with me as long as it doesn’t interfere with my court-ordered community service.
10. Q. Do you have any questions? A. Yeah, where’s the can?
If you didn’t realize that Q stands for Question and A stands for Answer, then please disregard the advice … although you may want to think about working for
Bob Simpson
Monday, October 28, 2013
It's Time for a New Computer
If you are searching for
I built this computer and now it just fired me. |
I hope you get your problems resolved before you
have a stroke and your relatives gather in the hall to discuss possible
loopholes in your will.
If none of the above applies, then read on:
"Would you like to purchase the extended 2-year warranty for your new laptop computer?
There are only two answers to the question. If you are under age 50, your
answer is, “No thank you. The state of the art computer that I am now buying
will be obsolete after one year.”
If you are over age 50, your answer is: “No thank you. The state of the art
computer that I am now buying will be obsolete after one year.”
I know. I know. The second answer is the same but you have the option to add
the zinger, “I’ll have to check with my doctor first.”
You may, however, want to buy an extended warranty on the carrying case. The
next laptop computer that you will have to buy next year will probably fit in
the same carrying case.
There are always hints that something bad is going to happen: Cats leave the
house before an earthquake. Strange looking bugs that you have never seen
before start crawling up the outside walls of your house before a hurricane.
Your car lags a second when it starts, and then the battery dies 3 days later.
Your husband is now using his manicure set that he received as a gift 7 years
ago to keep his nails trimmed. He is taking guitar lessons and he will buy you
a very expensive birthday present … the week before he leaves you.
If your husband fits the above description, it may just be a coincidence. My
advice is to trust him completely … but get an attorney … NOW.
I lost my point somewhere back in the last 2 paragraphs. Ah, here is the point
again: There will be several hints before your computer fails. Here are the top
11 warning signs that it's time to buy a new computer:
1. The pull-start rope just broke
2. Every time you sign on to your old Commodore computer, Lionel Ritchie’s cell
phone rings.
3. Are you thinking about
upgrading to Windows Vista?
4. Are your IBM punch cards
still on back-order?
5. You just got a pop-up window
with an opportunity to download the latest new virus.
6. Warning: You do not have
enough remaining memory to play “Pong.”
7. The kitchen is warm on cold
mornings from the CRT monitor.
8. You have discovered a web
site that will let you store all your children’s pictures for free.
9. A witch looking a lot like
Steve Jobs in a black dress dropped by your front door offering you a free
shiny apple. Too soon?
10. Did you think that the
pills you bought on the Internet would help with a floppy disk problem?
11. Are the elderly library volunteers searching in closets and drawers because they lost their server?
Bob Simpson
Sunday, October 27, 2013
New Nose Grown on Head
A Chinese
man is growing a replacement nose on his forehead. He damaged his first nose in,
what can only described as, a honeymoon accident.
His doctors
fashioned a new nose with tissue expanders, screws, and plates. They also added
some of his rib cartilage to give the schnoz some structure.
surgical team leader, Dr. Jack Frost, gave a special shout out to the Big Box Hardware store employee who conducted the Do It Yourself Nose Replacement Seminar early
one Saturday morning.
When the
new nose is ready, doctors will transplant it to the middle of his face and add
nose hairs.
Once a
suitable matching donor dies, the surgeon will perform a delicate booger
transplant. Future nose replacements may include small internal Febreze flaps
for Funeral Directors and Bravo Channel TV critics.
are considering adding a long tube for skin diving enthusiasts, a bionic snorkel.
Bob Simpson
Friday, October 25, 2013
Senior Pick-Up Lines
What's a short name for Rhinoceros? How the heck do Iknow |
We start to
compromise the second we are born. Once we pry ourselves out of the womb, we
can’t breathe through our gill slits anymore.
We compromise and give some air a
try. Then we don’t make another concession to anyone for the next 2 years.
unemployed workers or paycheck to paycheck families, we compromise: health
insurance premiums or groceries?
In this
instance the American Organization of Really Swell Health Insurance Companies has
rescued us from this choice so that we can afford health insurance premiums AND
food. Please contact them for their brochure, 101 Tasty Ways to Prepare Generic Cat Food.
Even the
administrator of a Prostate Radiation Seed Implantation Facility recently fired
their most popular nurse … because her ears glowed in the dark.
Throughout the rest of our lives, we have difficult choices to make and begin to lower our standards. When we are finally and fully compromised, we get to eat cornbread and real butter with Jesus, or sign on with Old Scratch for some eternal treading in the lake of fire (bring your asbestos floatie), or ___________ insert in the blank where you think you might be going after you have been voted off the island.
So if you
can remember where you left your reading glasses and you have adjusted, (lowered),
your standards accordingly, please consider these Senior Pick-Up Lines:
1. “Is that
your Depends or are you just happy to see me?”
2. “Wanna
see what the Prostate Fairy left me?”
3. “Come
see me tonight. I’m in room uh, let’s see now, hmmm.”
4. “Don’t
worry baby, I can cover that annual Medicare Part B deductible for you.”
5. “Hey
fella, let’s see what you can do with that hand tremor.”
6. “You’ve
got the body of Lillie Langtry/"
7. “I’d like to take you to a movie if I can find some place to cash these War Bonds."
8. “I’ll
show you my prostate scan if you’ll show me your mammogram.”
9. “Hello beautiful. You look familiar.”
“Yeah, I’m your daughter.”
10. Would
you care to share an Oxygen tank?”
11. “Your
hospital bed or mine?”
12. “I
could gaze into your cataracts all night.”
13. “So what
happens if I do buy 300 boxes of those Girl Scout Cookies?"
14. “You
look like a young Mary Pickford.
15. “Would
you like to give those new hip replacements a test drive?”
16. “I can
hook up my pacemaker to a 12 volt car battery and show you a real good
17. “Can I
get your granddaughter’s phone number?”
18. “Drop
by my room and I’ll show you my Sweet N Low packet collection.”
19. “Can I
buy you a bolus for your feeding tube?”
20. “Let’s
get a hotel room and put the DO NOT RESUSCITATE sign on the door.”
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