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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Who Does Not Love Ya, Baby?

Nobody Loves Me.
John Wilkes Booth

Your brother told you that Dad loved him better and you said, “We had a Dad?” 

The druggist sells you some birth control pills but says, “Why don’t you give these to someone who actually needs them?” This is the harsh reality of no love.

We only need 5 things to survive: Air, water, food, shelter, and a working TV remote control. That's really 6 things, if you count the television too.

I don’t like where this is going, but you get the picture: Love is not on the short list.

I'm not against love. Some of my best friends are in love, but then some of my worst enemies are also in love. On rare occasions, one of my best friends will fall in love with one of my worst enemies. Love is an equal opportunity affliction.

Unrequited love is responsible for huge sales in the Country Music industry. The more folks are unhappy, then the more tunes are going to be purchased and listened to. We can get this country back on the road to recovery if we can generate enough heartache out there.

So don’t ask what Country Music can do for you. Ask who you can break up with to help Country Music. Dump someone tonight, preferably before they dump you. It’s the patriotic thing to do.

Put on some Hank Williams, open up a six-pack, and reflect on these top 26 signs that nobody loves you:

1. Your mother blocks you from her Facebook account.

2. Co-workers keep sending your resume to North Korea.

3. You can only speak to your adult children through their attorney.

4. You caught your mail carrier smashing your mail box with a baseball bat.

5. The Salvation Army will not pick up OR deliver to your house.

6. The highway patrol waved you right on through to the washed-out bridge.

7. The flight attendant just tossed your carry-on luggage on the wing.

8. When you sunbathe in the back yard, vultures start gagging.

9. When you answer the door bell, the Jehovah Witness flips you off.

10. Your dentist tells you it’s really not necessary to see him every year.

11. You are fabulously wealthy but the 30-years-your-junior-dance instructor will still not commit to you.

12. “What do you take?” asks the tailor, “About a 42 long in a Shroud?”

13. Your wife keeps introducing you as “my late husband.”

14. Radio Shack does not ask for your address anymore.

15. Your dog wants a longer leash so nobody will see you walking with him.

16. Your roommate has been using your electric toothbrush in a romantic way.

17. Weight Watchers gives you a coupon for Jenny Craig.

18. The bus driver won’t accept your exact change.

19. The Army recruiter says, “Sorry young fella, but we’re all full up.”

20. McDonald’s gives you back a dollar if you get-it-to-go.

21. Your dentist says “Novocain is for babies.”

22. Your boss walks by and says, “Are you still here?"

23. Your daddy only plays catch with the little boy next door.

24. You have to wear hand-me-downs from your older brother, even though you are his sister.

25. You are a 14-year-old girl and no one wants to chat with you on-line.

26. You were driving through Florida in 1990 and Aileen Wuornos would not get in your truck. This is really funny, but you might have to look it up. 

Bob Simpson

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